What is AI Powered Surveillance? | Sheild
As we know that Artificial Intelligence has become an integral part of Financial Services. For companies looking to increase their value, AI technologies such as machine learning can help improve loan underwriting and reduce financial risk with the help of AI. You have heard of Financial services and market fraud that are the two words that you wouldn't expect to hear in the context of a technology frontier. Nonetheless, this is the image presented by five of the world's major financial authorities in their recent RFI (Request for Information). After this we must ask the question that is there any unconscious bias that has inadvertently been built into the models? Indeed, the answers might reveal a darker side of financial transactions, one that hasn't been seen in over two decades, when the FBI raided Enron's headquarters and also how the AI Powered Surveillance is neglected. Let's look at how implicit bias appears to have sneaked into financial risk assessment...